They've been seeing each other for 6 months now or, as we used to say, they've been walking ......... together. in out through off
The trouble with you is you let your boss do exactly what he wants and let him walk all ......... you. across under by over
He never looks where he's going and as a result is always walking ......... things. up on into beyond
He came into the room, shouted at everybody and then left the room walking ......... in a really bad temper. down off over to
I'm sorry to say that the safe has been broken into and someone's walked ......... with all the money. along into of off
They took no notice of the accident and simply walked .......... by in across through
A total stranger walked ......... to me and asked if I could lend him some money. along by up under
They have an expression in Australia when a famous person mixes with the crowd, they say they're going on a walk.......... across along out about
The manager was terrified that his employees would stop work and walk ......... without warning. over about out at
knew we shouldn't have trusted them because they suddenly left and walked ......... on us. in out above to