Phrasal idioms with the verb 'run'

The Australian Labour Party doesn't currently have any politicians that would be capable of successfully ......... the Prime Minister at the next federal election.
running away with
running for
running against
running down

Hillary Clinton has not ruled out ......... president at the next election.
running off
running for
running against
running down

I decided to ......... my girlfriend and get married when I found out that her parents didn't like me because of my religion.
run away with
run for
run against
run through

My parents were very disappointed when they found out that I had ......... all their money.
run off with
run for
run against
run into

The ......... apartment block failed to attact any buyers and was taken off the market so renovations could be carried out.

Many children try to ......... from home for one reason or another at least once during their childhood.
run away
run for
run against
run down

It's so nice to ......... you again after all this time. I don't think I've seen you for at least twenty years.
run out
run into
run after
run off

Can you please ......... our marketing campaign with me one more time? I don't fully understand it yet.
run off
run into
run through
run after

Our dog loves to ......... the mail truck.
run through
run over
run after
run in

My mum had a ......... with my teacher for not allowing me to go to the toilet during class.