Sherri tries to ......... Marcie all the time. act up act like seeming like
When he tried to balance his checkbook, he found that things just didn't .......... add on add right add up
Ken really likes Kirstie, but he's too nervous to .......... ask her out ask her on ask out
Lenny didn't ......... when his superior reprimanded him. back up back down back over
Norman is really aggressive, and sometimes he should know when to .......... back up back off back over
Sandy wants to learn how to drive, but she must also learn how to ......... so she can get in and out of parking spots easily. back up back behind back off
No one at the office expected him to lose his temper and ......... the way he did. blow away blow over blow up
After the tragic accident, Lauren's mother had a nervous .......... breakup breakdown breakthrough
Kathy felt a little uneasy when she found out her neighbours had a .......... break-in breakout break
No one in the group could believe that Sally and Steve .......... broke over broke up broke apart