You'd rather I kept quiet about it, .........? did you had you wouldn't you do you
He used to work in the city, .........? had he does he has he didn't he
He has his lunch at the office, .........? had he did he hadn't he doesn't he
In that case he'll have to look for a new job, .........? shall he won't he isn't he does he
You wouldn't want me to do that, .........? would you will you did you do you
He really didn't need to speak to me like that, .........? does he has he will he did he
Come back in the morning, .........? do you have you will you don't you
You like milk in your tea, .........? can you have you don't you did you
You are just the sort of person who would say that, .........? would you wouldn't you don't you aren't you
You shouldn't have done that, .........? could you should you couldn't you didn't you