Sarah: 'I want you to give me some more money.'Paul: '.........' Oh you want, do you? Oh you'd like, would you? Oh you do, do you? Oh you give, do you?
Sarah: 'You're being very rude!'Paul: '.........' Oh I have, have I? I am, you think? Oh I am, am I? Oh it is, is it?
Sarah: 'I've torn up your homework essay!'Paul: '.........' That'll be nice, will it? That's nice, is it? That would be nice, wouldn't it? That's nice, isn't it?
Sarah: 'I can't take any more.'Paul: '.........' Oh you can, can you? Oh you could, could you? Oh, you can't, can you? Oh you could, could you?
Sarah: 'She hates the sight of him.'Paul: '.........' She did, did she? She does, does she? She hates, does she? She doesn't hate, does she?
Sarah: 'I would prefer to go by air.'Paul: '.........' Oh you would, would you? Oh you did, did you? Oh you prefer, don't you? Oh, you wouldn't will you?
Sarah: 'I won't listen to you any more.'Paul: '.........' So you will, will you? So you don't, do you? So you won't, will you? So you do, don't you?
Paul: 'I spent thousands on that car.'Sarah: '.........' Oh, you have, have you? Oh you did, did you? Oh you do, do you? Oh you do, don't you?
Sarah: 'You mustn't eat with your mouth full.'Paul: '.........' Oh I must, must I? Oh I can't, can I? Oh I have to, have I? Oh I mustn't, must I?
Sarah: 'That's not allowed you know.'Paul: '.........' Oh you do, don't you? Oh it is, isn't it? Oh it isn't, is it? Oh it won't, will it?