Responses (6)

John: 'Thank you so much.'Sue: '.........'
No problem.
Any problem.
A problem.
Some problem.

John: 'I am most grateful.'Sue: '.........'
You are welcoming.
You welcome.
You're welcome.
You are welcomed.

John: 'Thank you very much for helping me.'Sue: '.........'
You don't mention it.
No mention of it.
You mention it.
Don't mention it.

John: 'That was very thoughtful of you to do that.'Sue: '.........'
Forget it.
I've forgotten.
Don't forget it.

John: 'I really appreciate your kindness this last week.'Sue: '.........'
It pleased me.
It was pleasing.
It was my pleasure.
It was pleasant.

John: 'I must say you really helped us out when we lost those passports.'Sue: '.........
It was the least I could do.
I couldn't do more.
I couldn't do less.
I couldn't do least.

John: 'Your advice this morning was much appreciated.'Sue: '.........'
All to do with service.
All part of the service.
All the section of the service.
The whole of the service.

John: 'We'd like to give you this small present to show our gratitude.'Sue: '.........'
It's really not needed.
It's really not wanted.
It's really not demanded.
It's really not necessary.

John: 'By the way, I've paid the taxi driver.'Sue: '.........'
You mustn't have.
You couldn't have.
You shouldn't have.
You can't have.

John: 'And as a special thank you for all you've done, we're treating you to a meal out.'Sue: '.........'
You're very stupid.
You're really naughty.
You're really horrible.
You're really wicked.