PCAT preparation test: Activities for Teaching

adj. binocular
involving both eyes at the same time
relating to the heart and chest region
having both hydrophobic (water-hating) and hydrophilic (water-loving) regions
relating to the female reproductive organs

n. shortness of breath
malfunction of the light-sensitive membrane which is part of the eyeball
passage of urine from the bladder outside of the body
region on a catalytic protein away from the main active region
difficulty in respiration; rapid respiration

n. fissure
a crack e.g. in the skin
the flagellate organism that causes syphilis
part of the small intestine
one of the cytochromes that acts as a hydrogen and electron acceptor

n. testicle
male sex organ found in the scrotum
process where liquid is taken into the cell within vesicles
a small erosion (hole) in the gastrointestinal tract

n. pulse
the expansion and contraction of the blood as it is pumped around the circulation
structure that connects a developing baby to the placenta
clusters of receptor cells on the upper surface of the tongue, soft palate, and epiglottis
compound containing a nitrogenous base (purine or pyrimidine) and a sugar

n. medulla oblongata
infection or inflammation of the back of the throat
white outer coat of the eye
part of the brainstem
low glucose concentration in the blood

n. osteocyte
sedative-hypnotic used for the short-term treatment of insomnia
cell that has become part of the bone matrix
heart attack; apoplexy; cerebrovascular accident; (CVA)

n. ice
pipe from the back of the nose to the middle ear
frozen water
an amino sugar

n. ciliary muscle
organ that affects zonular fibers in the eye (fibers that suspend the lens in position during accommodation), enabling changes in lens shape for light focusing
area that contains the heart and lungs; the chest
reddening of the skin
an obstacle that prevents things from moving along

adv. usual
causing distress or suffering
uncommon; not usual
common; something that occurs habitually