n. the pressure of the atmosphere at ground level follicle atmospheric pressure element bromine
n. a hormone made in the pancreas double bond olefin geographical isomer glucagon
n. the blood and other substances lost from the uterus at menstruation blockage meningitis biological clock menses
adj. relating to the vagina vaginal binocular valid prosthetic
n. consists of bones; ligaments and cartilage which supports the body skeletal system cerebral hemisphere nicotine nitrogen balance
n. fluid secreted from a wound or opening; release at the end of a hospital stay gas exchange mouth discharge acid-base indicator
n. any reaction where an acid catalyst is used to speed up the reaction glycosidic bond navel lanthanide series acid catalysis
v. to carry; to transmit energy regenerate spread ionize conduct
n. highly colored pigments (yellow to red) found in vegetables triose sugar sexual reproduction carotene hyperventilation
n. the state of being easily inflamed or painful; the state of being easily angered nucleus generalization irritability mandible