adv. verbatim possibly for that or this frigidly word for word
adv. severely extremely into notice or view genuinely not in sympathy with or desiring to associate with others
adv. forthright with directness immediately precipitately, as in diving next after the first
adv. forby completely once more, after rest or interval out of the proper form, direction or position besides
adv. inchmeal once more threefold; triply piecemeal frigidly
adv. afoot and so forth in progress entirely next after the first
adv. gaily blindly word for word merrily with a side or indirect glance or meaning
adv. nowhere ablaze; burning in no place or state besides with knowledge and by design
v. operate to remind oneself to make adroit or artful moves: manage affairs by strategy to put in action and supervise the working of to legislate; ordain; decree; perform
adv. outright out of the proper form, direction or position ordinarily once more, after rest or interval entirely