GMAT test: Vocabulary Test: Noun Vocabulary List

n. heresy
original draft or record of a document; rules of behavior
thrift; economical use or expenditure; meanness; stinginess
very small sum of money; very small creature
opinion contrary to popular belief

n. turmoil
refutation; opposition; contradiction
thrift; economical use or expenditure; meanness; stinginess
pompous speech; pretentious words; trite cliches
unrest; agitation; commotion; tumult; uproar

n. ingenue
unworldly young woman; character of an innocent girl
ironic; bitter humor designed to wound
food that is eaten; meal
way out; exit; going out

n. recidivism
habitual or chronic relapse of criminal or antisocial offenses
omission of words that would make the meaning clear
any mysterious change of substance or nature
witty or satirical poem or statement; letter; ingenious saying; proverb; phrase

n. aspirant
person who goes after high goals; ambitious person
noisy or disorderly crowd; retreat; terrible defeat
principle accepted as authoritative; belief
copy; reproduction; replica

n. imputation
former period of time
lending of money with an excessively high interest rate
appearance of a supernatural being; sudden idea or thought
charge; act of attributing a fault or misconduct to another

n. encomium
supporter; defender
condition of being physically agitated; disturbance
ability to write easily and expressively; articulateness; eloquence
formal expression of high praise; commendation; eulogy

n. dais
quality; importance
quality of being agreeable or eager to please; acquiescence; graciousness
raised platform at one end of a room; stage
sharpness or bitterness in language or manner; rancor

n. equinox
person who is authorized to judge or decide
pompous talk or writing; flowery speech coarse fabric; linen
either of two points on the celestial sphere at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator
place of safety or shelter; port; refuge; haven

n. sarcasm
ironic; bitter humor designed to wound
condition of being physically agitated; disturbance
revolt; provocation of dissent
ability to handle situations with skill and diplomacy; grace; delicacy