n. inherent quality; characteristic bane fallacy attribute consternation
adj. smooth and slippery; speaking or spoken in a smooth manner; easily fluent; careless; insincere temporal glib distraught oblivious
v. to scold or blame loudly; to find fault with in abusive language; to condemn retrieve recapitulate vituperate edify
n. dull and commonplace remark; banality; superficiality; commonplace harbinger onus platitude plebiscite
n. act of erecting (a building); meaning prerogative grimace fealty construction
v. to make good; to recover; to restore; to fetch; to bring back; to regain coalesce concede ken retrieve
v. to publish; to spread abroad; to declare; to advertise widely jettison condone promulgate meander
adj. queer; unusual in appearance; strange; outlandish bizarre jaunty pedantic tranquil
adj. emphasizing minutiae or form in scholarship or teaching; strict; meticulous pedantic civil ambiguous adverse
adj. perfect or highly accomplished; excellent; skilled; complete precipitous succulent consummate credulous