adv. moderately; quite; rather; to some extent forward rapidly pretty back
adv. without pleasure or happiness; wretchedly; poorly moderately miserably initially below
adv. quite; sufficiently; fairly counter seamlessly enough rarely
adv. dutifully; with care; thoroughly manually twice conscientiously below
adv. very quite; to a degree; somewhat; slightly; a bit; might as well rather further nearby entirely
adv. politely; respectfully; graciously courteously instinctively forward nearby
v. to load; to oppress; to burden; to regard; to esteem become distract evade weight
adv. amid; in the middle precisely miserably between hard
adv. softly; in a low voice; without strength or force; weakly; into little pieces directly subjectively small nevertheless
adv. to the rear; to the past late unfortunately back outside