People often like to have a lot of material goods but water, food and shelter are basic ......... people and other animals require to stay alive. wants needs desires
When someone really likes a product but that item is not necessary to stay alive, the product is called a ......... or a luxury. want need requirement
The earth supplies us with many beautiful things as well as many natural, raw materials. These usable materials are called .......... industrial elements natural resources chemical reactions
There are many companies that manufacture products and consumers buy them. The products that people buy are called .......... supply services goods
Companies will often use raw materials in order to turn them into usable products that consumers need and want. This process is called .......... capital manufacturing resources
Some companies, don't specialize in manufacturing, but rather they do work, for a fee, for other people. This work in known as a .......... product goods service
Every country experiences ......... at some point or another. This is when a country's wants are larger than the available resources. low-end products scarcity goods
Whether it's a natural resource or not, every possible use of a resource is called an .......... opportunity shortage costs
Any item or material that people use to manufacture products or use in order to provide services is called a .......... shortage resource worker
There are many companies around the world. The people who own each individual business are called .......... entrepreneurs workers attendants