Keep Up With English Slang 2023: part 2

This time round we will continue the list of English words and expressions that became trendy at the beginning of 2023. Follow this link to get familiar with “Keep Up With English Slang 2023: part 1”.


Though well-being is not a new word to the English world. We cant miss it while talking about past challenges all of us experienced starting in 2020. HR companies made it a workplace trend to discover how employees rate their level of well-being. After a long time working from home and all of a sudden being called back to the office, many people quit. For the majority, the reason was hidden in the disbalance between work and private life, in other wordsno sense of well-being.

Baby bust

Being opposite to the expression baby boom it shows a sudden decline in birth rates. For the past 3 years (2020-2023) even those countries with high demands in family creating and giving birth have been changing towards thechild-freeidea.

Its giving

This slang expression helps to describe the vibes a particular thing, action, or event can give you. For instance, your friend showed up at the party in a mini-skirt she used to wear back in High School. You can say Its giving High School. Even if you simply want to say that something looks or feels amazing feel free to use its giving.


Though the word is quite old-fashioned. Recently it has gained popularity again. You can say You slayed it meaning You nailed/killed it. Describe an impressive event with another English expressionIt was so slay = It was so amazing. Whatever evokes admiration or excitement in you can be described simply asslay”.

Bad take

If you hear something that makes you cringe or disagree, feel free to react with this slang expression: bad take. For example:

Jane said my new glasses look dope and I replied that it was not her business.
Bad take. You shouldnt have acted dumb. Go and apologize to her.

To find out what English slang expressions are top in use on social media, visit this article.

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