15 Rules Of Motivation For Harvard Students

Entering Harvard University has been a pipe dream for many. The lucky ones though face the reality where the case of success to enter this establishment is just a beginning of a long way filled with hard work and challenges. In order to provide permanent encouragement to the students regardless of their university we collected golden thoughts from Harvard University. Feel free to save those you find truly inspiring and achieve your study goals easily.

1. If you fall asleep now, your goals will appear in dreams, for sure. Although, if you prefer studying to sleeping, your goals will come true.

2. When you think it is too late, it is still within time.

3. Suffering from studying is temporary. Suffering from ignorance is infinite.

4. Studying is not about time, it is about effort.

5. Life is not for studying only. But if not for studying, how will you find out what you can truly be good at?

6. Exertion and effort can be pleasant as well.

7. Only those who fulfill everything earlier and those who expend efforts can be truly delighted with their success.

8. To succeed in everything is not for everyone. Success though comes only accompanied by self-improvement and determination.

9. Time slips by.

10. Savoring today will turn into tears tomorrow.

11. Realists are those who contribute something to the future.

12. Your salary is directly proportional to your level of education.

13. Today will never come back.

14. Even now your enemies are getting ahead.

15. Only through hard work will you start earning big.

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