Статистика посещений группы за 2 апреля 2011 г.
Всего посещений 8295
Всего уникальных посетителей 5213
В том числе:
Женский пол - 3163
Мужской пол - 1900
До 18 лет - 1652
От 18 до 21 - 917
От 21 до 24 - 708
От 24 до 27 - 409
От 27 до 30 - 178
От 30 до 35 - 128
От 35 до 45 - 96
Старше 45 - 95
При колебаниях общего количества посетителей в разные дни, распределение по полу и по возрастам довольно стабильно.
По городам:
Москва - 521
Санкт-Петербург - 369
Киев - 96
Новосибирск - 78
Омск - 53
Из остальных городов - менее пятидесяти посетителей из каждого.
another statistic fact - out of all the responses so far about their exact age - the biggest number was 23. I guess after that point it doesn't really matter...;)
will see:)
I am old enough to remember the cold war and the day the Berlin wall came down. What are memorable events of your lifetime? What is the most significant event that took place during your lifetime and why is it so significant?
Such questions are a little bit incorrect...
As you see, each person has 2 types of age...
-his biological age, that depends on the date he was born;
-his spiritual/mental age... It depends on the level of his knowledge... It's all the way the thinks, his words, actions...The way he treats others) It's his relation to life, I suppose...)
I am 15, but I feel a bit uncomfortable between my peers... The way we see things differ a lot. That's why I communicate with people 5-7 years older than me more often than with my class/schoolmates etc.
Oh 17 thousand + days old. I was trying to work out the disparity between what I read your age to be, 17 years, 155 days ha, and your appearance on photos. Then getting confused by others that appeared on them. It just got more and more confusing. Then went back to read again xD!
indeed you are. 17k days doesn't seem that many, but when translated into years it seems all the more distant. Not older by much though :-)! It always scared me when I noticed my mum was older than some of my friends grandparents and I'm sure some great grandparents in this country! It also scared me when I noticed friend's mother's the same age or slightly older than my sister in law who has only just married. My how we waste time in this life!
YLPs? I'm most definitely more male than you... At damn well hope so at least! Brains good food for zombie. I'll start calling you Katya Areeeeeeeeeeeeeernan soon. You know the noise zombies make when shambling?
Without brains I couldn't ever have created that love potion that I used in your drin...whoops you didn't need to hear that O:-). I love you to darling!