Анекдоты →
- A man was driving up a steep and narrow mountain road
- A materialist
- A well dressed businessman got into a Manhattan cab
- A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder
- A state trooper pulled a car over
- A policeman spots a woman driving and
- Radar Gun Error
- When asked for her occupation
- Billy Ray and Billie Bob are driving home from a party
- A fellow was following a truck in heavy traffic
- Safest Way to Drive
- A young bloke has started work on a property
- A juggler, driving to his next performance, is stopped by
- A man is driving down the road for a long period of time
- A man is driving down the freeway
- Two guys are driving through Texas when
- There was a man and woman traveling along in their car
- A passenger announcement.
- A man is driving down the road and notices a car in the ditch
- One night, a police officer was stalking out a particularly rowdy bar