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Негр огребает от старика

Все началось с того, как негр закурил в автобусе, и дед решил объяснить негру, что тот не прав. Негр неожиданно получает достойный отпор от 67–х летнего бородатого белого мужика.

Black man: …AC Transit
Bruso: Let’s get back to business. How much you charge me for a spit-shine?
Black man: what?
Bruso: How much you charge me for my Stacy Adams? I’m going to a funeral on Friday…You said you… [note: Stacy Adams are a brand of shoe.]
Black man: Did you get what I said just now?
Bruso: Yes
Black man: Why a brother gotta spit-shine your shoes?
Bruso: You offered!
Black man: I didn’t offer you shit.
Bruso: What’d you just say when you walked by me?
Black man: I said why, why a fuckin’ brother gotta spit-shine your shoes?
Bruso: You don’t have to!
Black man: Why a white man can’t spit-shine –
Bruso: [interrupting] – It could be a Chinaman! It don’t matter!
Black man: Look dude…
Bruso: I ain’t prejudice! What? You think I’m prejudice!
Black man: [pointing toward front of bus] Take your ass back up there and get the fuck out my face right now.
Bruso: Why you being so hostile, man?
Black man: ‘Cause. I’m pissed off.
Bruso: Well its better to be pissed off than pissed on.
Black man: Take your ass up there right now
Bruso: [standing to go to the front] You ain’t scarin’ this white boy. I’m 67 years old. You ain’t scarin’ me. You ain’t scarin’ me.
Black man: [now, also standing] I’m 50.
Bruso: You ain’t scared of me. You ain’t scarin’ me.
Black man: I’ll put my foot up your ass.
Bruso: No you won’t! No you won’t!
Bruso: You won’t do nothin’ to me! [then something unintelligible]
Black man: Say it again! [then something unintelligible as woman who was filming talks over him]
Iyanna Washington: Say it again! Say it again, Pinky!
Someone off camera whom many allege is Iyanna Washington: Beat his white ass! Whoop his ass!
Another passenger: Leave him alone!
Iyanna Washington: It ain’t worth it, blood, it ain’t worth it.
Black man: I’d put my foot up your ass.
Bruso: I see tough guys like you and I slap the shit out of them.
Black man: What?!
Another passenger: Stop it!
Bruso: Don’t fuck with me! He hit me! He fuckin’ hit me!
Bruso: He fuckin’ hit me first! He hit me in the face! [unintelligible] – self defense!
Iyanna: Open that shit! laughs
Iyanna: We can press charges, blood. I got in on videotape. He’s leakin’.
Black man: That motherfucker hit me. No no no no no.
Another passenger: Did he break your teeth?
Black man: No. Bring an ambulance.

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