Топики → Спорт

Sports in Great Britain

Из топика "Спорт в Великобритании" вы узнаете, что самая популярная игра в Англии – футбол, в который играют все «от мала до велика». И почему футбол – это не только спорт, но и бизнес, которому в стране уделяют большое внимание.

The English are great sports lovers; and they are neither playing nor watching games, they like to talk about them. However, there is an important thing about sports in Britain that we must know. Today, the big-time sport is professional, and famous players can make much money.

Let's take football for example. It is the most popular team game in Britain. It is played in most of the schools, and there are thousands of amateur teams for young men in all parts of the country. But for the most, football is a professional game which is watched on Saturday afternoons at the stadium.

Professional football is a big business. Every large town has one or more professional clubs.

Rugby football is played with an oval ball that may be carried in hands. Players of the other team try to stop the man running with the ball by throwing him on the ground. There are fifteen players in each team.

Sport competitions gather big crowds in Great Britain, All people in Great Britain are fond of sport, and Englishmen know that if they train hard, sport will make them strong and healthy.

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