Did you see that horror movie? It was so .........! scared scary scare scares
Some people like vampire movies but the mere idea of vampires is .......... terrify terrified terrifying terrifies
I am ......... of spiders. I know they do a lot of good by keeping the insect population low, but I still don't like them. frightening frighten frightened fright
I have claustrophobia. That means I have an overwhelming ......... of enclosed spaces. fearing fear feared fears
She is afraid ......... speaking in public. to for of from
My son is ......... of the dark so we put a night light in his room. fear afraid scare scaring
I was ......... by that movie. It is really scary but it's rated for children! horrifying horrifies horrified horrify
I was really ......... by the amount of blood and gore in that movie. shocking shocks shocked shock
Don't ........., Samantha! Relax and think of something else. This scary ride is almost over. panicking panicked panics panic
I got such a ......... the other night because my husband jumped out at me before I could turn on the light. He's such a prankster! frighten fright frightening frightened