He liked being a policeman, but he didn't like leaving his house at the drop of a ......... anytime he was needed. penny hat hint current
He was bored at work, but at the end of the ......... he was happy to be helping people even if it wasn't much fun. day week ride show
"I feel like I am at the end of my ......... now that I've lost my job and my sister in the same month," a depressed Sam told his wife. life ride rope butt
He had to shout at the top of his ......... to get his wife to notice him when she was in the garden. mouth guts head lungs
"Don't worry. I'll have the project ready for you today. It's at the top of my .........", Medford told his boss. mind morning label list
He knew he would be able to excel in his job. An average ......... could do any of the required duties. cat joe tool machine
"I tell you, Joe-- the receptionist is away with the ......... today. I've asked her to give me the number to corporate three times today, but she keeps forgetting", Wes told Max. fairies geese gnomes ogres
His manager is a regular ......... in arms. She looks like she is in her early 20's, and that seems extremely young for this position. lamb kid babe gal
I think we have another babe in the ......... here, Jack. I don't know why they keep sending inexperienced employees our way. crib arms basket woods
Analysts say that it is a good idea to invest in retirement housing now that the baby ......... are all retiring. boomers makers risers burglars