A: Why are you looking so ......... in the mouth? There's no need to be so miserable, is there? down up off over
B: Well, there is as a matter of .......... information point fact detail
A: I have no ......... why. Perhaps you'd better tell me. feeling thought belief idea
B: I would have thought the reason was quite obvious if you ......... about it. ponder think consider believe
A: No, It's no .......... You'll just have to tell me. good right correct bad
B: I'll tell you why then. It's because of the ......... of the year. date age time length
A: I suppose you're talking about the season the Americans call the fall and the British call the .......... browning autumn ending closing
B: That's it exactly. It's a time when I always get very .......... depressed impressed dependent defeated
A: There's no ......... to feel like that. Just remember that Christmas will be here soon. requirement obligation need duty
B: Thanks for that. Now you've ......... me feel really miserable. set done let made