Steve just bought a new pair of front tires, but as he leaving, he ran over a nail that popped his back tire and the tire shop couldn't repair it. If that isn't Murphy's ........., I don't know what is! Rule Case Law Tale
The boss asked Bill where his coworker was. Bill responded that he was not his brother's .......... jailer keeper copper monitor
"My brother is a .......... He spends all of his time on computers or reading science books," Allison told her new friend Mary. tool frank nerd wimp
He has no friends because he's the new kid on the .......... block bus house corner
He knew it would take a hot ......... to get his paperwork processed by the Department of Motor Vehicles. time day potato minute
"Can you work for me this weekend?" Kerry asked Elliot. "Sorry, no .........," Elliot responded, "I have other plans." dice plant point dispute
He knew he couldn't make that decision until he had more information. He knew he wasn't ......... with a full deck of cards. shuffling gambling playing building
"How do you know the merger will make us money?" the CEO asked the presenter. The presenter said, "I don't know for sure. Nothing is certain but death and ......... -- but the idea makes sense." taxes burial birth destruction
His secretary reminded him about the speech, but he had no time to prepare for it. He would just have to give it ......... the cuff. on at from off
The police officer wasn't willing to tell the reporter anything unless it was off the .......... tape record limelight public