The one day that most people hate is Monday because that's when they have to go back to their ......... of work. scene situation place part
The one day that many people love is Friday because that is when they can think about their time ......... at the weekend. by off in over
Usually Saturday and Sunday just ......... by more quickly than the other 5 days of the week. flow fly flee follow
But then what would ......... to us if we didn't do any work? happen arrive occur come
In the first place we'd have no money to buy food and we'd probably .......... hunger decrease starve degrade
Mind you it could be a way of ......... weight and becoming slimmer. loosening losing lacking avoiding
But in the end we would probably find that doing nothing all day could be very uninteresting and .......... boring fading dreading hurting
So let's not complain too much about it because we simply have to accept it as a ......... fact of life. required demanded needful necessary
Just remember and never ......... that some people aren't able to work even when they want to. foretell forget forfeit forecast
One way is to ........., even if it's not true, and tell yourself that the new name for Monday is Friday! prepare predict prefer pretend