Sarah ......... Spanish really well. She lived in Mexico for 5 years. speak speaks spoken
Microsoft just ......... out with a new software program. It's on sale at that office supply store down the road. came come comes
Do you ......... a lot of work to do tonight? I was hoping we could go out to dinner at about 6 pm. has have had
I just ......... about the business venture. Give me some time to think about it and I'll get back to you with a decision this week. heard hear hears
I ......... the baby until the storm passed because she wouldn't stop crying. holds holding held
I know that dresser is old, but I want to ......... it because it belonged to my grandmother. kept keeps keep
Kathy ......... how to change the oil in her car last weekend. learn learned learning
I ......... lemon chicken two weeks ago. I think I want that for supper again today. make makes made
I ......... into an old friend yesterday. I haven't seen her since middle school. runs run ran
Mr. Benson ......... you wanted to see me. Can we meet in an hour, because I'm really busy right now? say said saying