The hero ......... the dragon in the book I read. slay slew slaying is slaying
You never ......... any of the cupboard doors! You're so lazy. shut shuts shutting is shutting
Jessica ......... beautifully at the wedding last Saturday. sing sings sang singing
He ......... until 3 pm. He was exhausted. sleeps sleep slept sleeping
The shop owner ......... and killed the robber. shoots shoot shooting shot
I am ......... photos of the bride and groom on Saturday. take takes taking took
I ......... the report on time. I gave it to the boss already. finishing finish finishes finished
I am ......... for a new employee. Can you recommend anyone? looking looked look looks
She is ......... through town on the weekend. pass passes passing passed
Bang' ......... with sang,' doesn't it? rhyme rhymes rhyming is rhyming