What Comes Next? (4)

It's getting very late ..........
I'll have to speed you
I'll have to accelerate you
I'll have to hurry
I'll have to push you

If we leave it any longer, ..........
we'll catch the bus
we'll miss the train
we'll lose the train
we'll loose the bus

There is a deadline, I'm afraid, ..........
so you mustn't dither
so you mustn't doodle
so you mustn't dabble
so you mustn't diddle

We should have been there 2 hours ago, ..........
so we're well back
so we're well off
so we're well backward
so we're well behind

If we leave this minute, ..........
I'm sure we'll make it
I'm sure we'll take it
I'm sure we'll get it
I'm sure we'll turn it

They arrived in the middle of the night ..........
because their flight was detained
because their flight was despatched
because their flight was delayed
because their flight was defused

As the old saying goes: ..........
He who hesitates is found
He who hesitates is lost
He who hesitates is late
He who hesitates is long

They should have arrived by now. I wonder ..........
what has kept them
what has held them
what has got them
what has done them

I'm being as quick as I can. Just don't ..........
hug me
tug me
lug me
bug me

I'm giving you your last warning. If you're not ready in five minutes, ..........
you're on your self
you're on your own
you're on your side
you're on your turn