What Comes Next? (1)

What I'll do now is ..........
up to me
through me
across me
on to me

I'm very tired so I think I'll ..........
go out
turn off
turn in
turn over

It must be at least a year since ..........
you are here
you will be here
you were here
you had been here

I just don't follow a single word — I'm afraid it's all ..........
Spanish to me
German to me
Welsh to me
Greek to me

I'm desperate. All I need really is someone to ..........
take me a hand
put me a hand
give me a hand
show me a hand

I'm sorry that's not fair. It's no good ..........
blaming me
betraying me
believing me
beholding me

As far as I'm concerned they can all go ..........
jump in the oven
jump in the bin
jump in the field
jump in the lake

If you must talk, do it quietly ..........
I trust you
I beg you
I follow you
I demand you

Did you hear that noise? I'm sure there must be ..........
a bugler in the house
a bungler
a burglar in the house
a bowler in the house

All I ask is that you ..........
give me just one last chance
give me just one last occasion
give me just one last time
give me just one last series