Phrasal Verbs (R to T)

Heidi ......... an old friend while she was shopping last week.
ran over
ran down
ran into

The little corner store often ......... bread near the end of the week.
runs out over
runs out of
runs down on

The night before the play, the crew ......... the stage.
set up
set down
set in

The assembly line problem was a minor ......... for the company last week.

The girl with the purple hair wants to ......... from the group.
stand out
stand in
stand over

Bob's father taught him to be firm and to ......... for what he believes.
stand down
stand up
stand in

People are getting tired of Seth because he always ......... late.
shows up
shows over

The 'T' in the acronym ......... 'Time'.
stands about
stands over
stands for

Kelly ......... her mother. They have many of the same interests.
takes after
takes over
takes on

Leslie decided to ......... early from the party.
take in
take off
take on