They're trying very hard to finish in time and they're working ......... the clock. up through on against
You have to turn this from left to right in other words clock.......... way wise path route
I'm afraid you can't make yourself any younger and turn the clock .......... to by back down
You can always be sure that there'll be a delivery today as the service is as regular as clock.......... time task job work
It's an amazing system so that at whatever time of day you can always get a response as the staff are there ......... the clock. along round about down
What time do you start work or more exactly when do you clock .........? on about with by
When do you finish work or more exactly what time do you clock .........? over off through in
I've clocked ......... about an additional 20 hours this week in overtime pay. on for up with
The competition is very strong as each team wants to be fastest and ......... the clock. hit knock strike beat
She's not really interested in her job and just waits for the end of the day to come. She's just a clock .......... watcher seer looker gazer