Charlie didn't have much in the way of property just ......... and pieces. things dots bits section
In fact this was a piece of ......... for Charlie as it happened. fortune gratitude thanks luck
Because when the ......... of the piece arrived in the shape of a burglar to steal something, he didn't find anything valuable. villain peasant evil devil
Charlie came home when the burglar was still there but he didn't ......... to pieces, he stayed calm. find come go try
The burglar also had an assistant with him who clearly didn't want to get involved and have a piece of the ......... and fled. activity action act acting
Charlie decided he would say exactly what he thought of the burglar and give him a piece of his .......... thoughts brain thinking mind
He told him he was a wicked person and further he was a ......... piece of work. horrible nasty disgusting bad
The burglar explained that he didn't have a proper job and only did piece .......... works working work worker
Charlie laughed and said he was doing the same now it was ......... of a piece with burgling. some same complete all
Eventually the police arrived and were pleased to see Charlie was still all right and in ......... piece. one fine good solid