Fellow citizens I am honoured to be ......... to speak to you tonight about my party. demanded forced enquired invited
As you probably know the Tranquillity Party stands for peace and ......... in the countryside. quite quiet quietly quieten
In our publicity, unlike our political ........., we do not make a lot of noise about our policies. attackers destroyers opponents hitters
We want people to live in harmony with each other and to settle ......... amicably. distastes disasters disturbs disputes
You may be interested to know that we are holding a ......... in the centre of our town this weekend. rally really royally routine
Naturally all the ......... are requested to be as peaceful as possible and above all not to shout. partygoers participants partakers partisans
At the moment we are trying very hard to increase our membership which ......... stands at 500. presence presents presently presenting
......... this is a very small figure in comparison with the other major political parties. Confessing Admittedly Admits Confession
But then you all have turned ......... tonight and that proves there is growing interest in our ideals. in over up into
In ......... of the terrible weather you have come along tonight, ladies and gentlemen, and I should like to thank all four of you for coming. spite despite view spiteful