Will the driver of the blue Ford Fiesta XYZ 343 please ......... their car. send move take tow
The reason for this is that the Fiesta is ......... our delivery lorry from leaving the premises. holding keeping preventing promoting
We ask the ......... of this vehicle to go back to their car as soon as possible and park their car in another space. possessor possessing ownership owner
This is a customer .......... We have a special offer at the moment on bananas. audition announcement statement prediction
For the next hour it will be possible to buy just one ......... of bananas and get one more free. bunch branch hand group
Further to our ......... for the Ford Fiesta to be reparked, this matter is now very urgent. Our lorry cannot get out. saying asking request question
We have to inform our customers that the store will be closing in half an hour's .......... o'clock time hour duration
We would like to ......... our customers that over the Christmas period we will be closing an hour earlier than usual. remember retake repeat remind
There are now only ten minutes remaining for you to make your ......... and go to the checkout. purchases buying sales selling
A final ......... for the driver of the Ford Fiesta: there is no need now to repark as our delivery lorry has done that for you! note message saying hint