Will or Shall?

Do you know the difference .........?
between will and shall
of will and shall
from will and shall
by will and shall

I can see from the expression on your face that you haven't ..........
got a thought
got a view
got a clue
got a suggestion

I think the best way is to tell you a story that ..........
clears the difference
explains the difference
expounds the difference
exposes the difference

The main difference is that 'I will' ..........
means 'I want to'
signifies 'I want to'
shows 'I want to'
says 'I want to'

If you say 'I shall' then you are talking ..........
on the future
about the future
to the future
for the future

I want you to imagine that a man is walking ..........
in the country
on the countryside
by the countryside
over the country

After a few minutes he ..........
attains a river
acquires a river
nears a river
reaches a river

There is a man in the river fully clothed who is ..........
in problems
in hardships
in difficulties
in hazards

The man in the river keeps ..........
calling off 'I will drown, I will drown'
calling out 'I will drown, I will drown'
calling to 'I will drown, I will drown'
calling from 'I will drown, I will drown'

The man on the river bank, who is good at grammar, thinks the man really wants to drown, walks on and ..........
allows him drown
permits him drown
lets him drown
lets him to drown