As there are so many dishes on the menu, would you like me to ......... something to eat? decide suggest offer consider
They simply couldn't decide which restaurant to choose and so in the end they took a vote and the ......... decided on a Chinese one. most more majority main
We waited one hour for the main dish to ......... and then it was the wrong order. arrive reach deliver send
If you really want to enjoy the full flavour of that particular meal, you must remember to ......... the right balance of sauces together. join stick attach mix
It is always more relaxing to eat in a restaurant where the faces of the staff are ......... and you know everyone by name. familiarized familiar familiarly familiarity
There was a great discussion about which particular type of cuisine the guests would choose and finally they reached a ......... and settled on the set menu. compromising compromised compromise compromisingly
It doesn't matter how late you arrive at this restaurant you can always ......... on a warm welcome from the owner. trust confide rely believe
The place was so full of people and tables that the waiter had to ......... us through the crowds to our table. show guide conduct enable
The problem about writing on food is that however hard you try, you will say what you like and end up being .......... subjective objective reflective directive
The success of a really good meal is that not only must it taste good but it should also look good and thus ......... to your eye. attract appeal attend appear