You must admit flying in a hot air balloon is an amazing .......... expression experience expertise
Can you remember the last time you ......... such an exciting time? have having had
To be honest, I have never ......... in a balloon. flowed flown flying
Really, then it's about time you tried it .......... in out on
Are you really suggesting that we ......... actually get into one of those ridiculous things? shall will should
Why not? There is nothing to be ......... of. After all it won't be just us in the balloon. fear afraid fright
You must be joking. Have you forgotten how terrible I felt the last time we went somewhere ......... plane? in with by
Oh, come on. Why do you have to be such a kill .......... joy joke fun
That's not fair. You know full ......... what it feels like to be worried sick when everyone else is laughing at you. good well fine
All right you win. I promise I won't bring it ......... again. Why don't just we go white water rafting instead? on up in