My son's baseball team ......... three games in a row. However, they lost the game last night. hid won postponed forwarded
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My sister had an illness, but, now, she's in good .......... shoes parts design health
My best friend ......... his wife in 1999. He divorced her in 2010. pushed engaged trained married
Our rooster crows at ........., but he doesn't make a sound at dusk. clouds heat dawn machines
The sun always rises in the ........., but sets in the west. front top behind east
I really like that show, but my wife ......... it. heats fights forces hates
Robin is a teacher, but Isaac is a .......... officer mate student mother
Ron is a good employee, and he really likes his .......... employer co-worker colleague sister
Kim's little girl is an ........., but her son is a devil. spider snake angel adult