n. antidepressant; selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor; generic name: paroxetime cerebral infarction meter paxil uterus
n. line drawn from the center of a circle or tube to the outside radius isoleucine monosaccharide secondary structure
n. lack of red blood cells; deficiency of red blood cells; a low level of hemoglobin in the blood gland weight hypertension anemia
adj. pain-killing properties analgesic anabolic aromatic cardiac
n. protuberance in front of the external auditory meatus fat alertness tragus fainting
adj. having three parts permitted unreactive tricuspid septal
n. code that shows the number and type of atoms molecular formula s-block element pins and needles prednisone
adj. related to an optically active molecule that rotates the plane of polarized light to the right cardiothoracic testicular poisonous dextrorotatory
n. the polysaccharide in which glucose is stored in animal tissues enolization protozoan glycogen dizziness
n. fluid that is released from the lachrymal gland decrease tear addition polymerisation syphilis