MCAT verbal test: Teachers Games for Vocabulary

n. malabsorption
this is a compound where the hydrogen atom of an acid has been replaced by another cation
condition where a healthy person worries excessively that they are ill
group of symptoms and signs due to reduced absorption of food e.g., carbohydrates, fats, protein
development and maturation of an ovum

n. spindle fibers
ceramic material made from heating silica and oxides in a furnace and then cooling and setting it
a small mark on the skin; usually dark that appears after exposure to the sun in certain people; unit representing the amount of a substance
achromatic filaments forming a spindle during cell division
outer covering represented by a circle around the nucleus that contains electrons of comparative energies

n. indicator
used to detect the end-point during titration
any of a class of organic compounds formed when a hydroxyl group (-OH) is substituted for a hydrogen atom in a hydrocarbon
production of the embryonic neural plate and then the neural tube
when a bone is out of position with the joint

n. basal metabolic rate
a vertical column of elements in the periodic table
the muscles that allow the eyeball to rotate
the amount of energy expended by the body in order to survive at complete rest
chemical element with the symbol O that is needed for respiration

n. dermis
a disorder where the sebaceous glands become blocked causing pimples
thick deeper layer of the cutis
sensitive nodule of tissue in the center of the breast
the end organ of the upper limb

n. lipid
organism that depends on autotrophs for their food and energy
greasy; hydrophobic compounds containing carbon; hydrogen and oxygen
the organ system that coordinates the activities of the body
thrombocyte; cytoplasmic body with the function to promote blood clotting

n. protein
a sequence of amino acids; food needed for growth and repair
the ability to be able to move
two or more atoms of the same or different elements that unite because of Van der Waal's forces
the blood pressure during systole

v. conduct
to split; separate
to carry; to transmit energy
to take the place of; to replace
to push out

n. active site
part of an enzyme where a substrate is accepted and is responsible for its catalytic activity
part making up something; component
a compound with 2 oxygen atoms in it
outer layer of a gland or organ in the body; tissue next to the external layer in plants

n. hypertensive
clusters of receptor cells being used for the sense of taste
the part of the large bowel that connects the caecum to the rectum
molecule containing the same number and kind of atomic groups as another but having a different spatial arrangement, therefore having different charactersitics
person having high blood pressure