n. a colorless petroleum product that has a benzene ring discharge physician lymph node benzene
n. separation of a substance or molecule into its constituent parts by heat or chemical processes dissociation energy mortality chloroplast
n. a group of recognisable symptoms and signs that occur together lactate bronchitis syndrome class
n. part of the DNA capable of replicating itself brain transposon diffraction acid catalysis
adj. referring to diagnosis hard caustic diagnostic prosthetic
n. a disorder of the motor neurons thyroid gland cretinism motor neuron disease sympathetic nervous system
adj. related to a nonprotein group of a conjugated protein isobaric vaginal prosthetic binocular
adj. not harmful, malignant or cancerous anabolic deep benign neural
adj. able to return to original shape after being exposed to a force elastic ventral optical ionic
adj. referring to the upper abdomen deleterious epigastric atomic orphaned