adj. marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters; heady judicious fallow ethnic wanton
v. vague; hazy; dark; dim stultify obscure grok devolve
adj. difficult or impossible to evaluate with precision offensive florid imponderable concurrent
adj. lacking intent or capacity to injure unsightly mellifluous innocuous lucullan
n. the creation of something in the mind; excogitation; design decrepitude tributary conception cornice
adv. adin a state of rage agape amok askew gratis
n. the highest point (of something); apex; acme podium vertex nonchalance balker
adj. reluctant to draw attention to yourself; retiring reticent preeminent synchronous natty
adj. troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances; harried; pestered; vexed histrionic harassed precise dabbled
adj. using or containing too many words; verbose; windy wordy incitive uttered receptive