I thought that soup was delicious. My husband, however, thought it tasted .......... He doesn't like beets at all. tasty gentle stupid awful
I don't want to leave the party because it's still early. It's only 9 pm. However, my husband thinks it's ......... and he wants to go home. empty easy difficult late
I like even numbers better than ......... ones for some reason. singular odd strange funny
Today is the first day of classes, but I know that some students are wishing it was the ......... day already. dull perky last low
Chris is a ......... man. He is not stingy. He gives a lot of money to charities every year. generous spicy mean dirty
Worms live ......... ground. Birds, however, live above ground. high afraid lazy below
I have, approximately, $100. But, I can't give you an ......... amount until I count it out. exact quiet annoying accidental
This is an advanced test. But, my friend thinks it's an ......... test. exact elementary afraid active
I want you to go forward. Why are you going .........? easy below backwards above
This is a ......... problem. It's not simple. energetic calm furry complicated