adj. without equal; incomparable; matchless apposite opprobrious unique phlegmatic
adj. not frank or candid; deceivingly simple; hypercritical; false; truthful disingenuous commodious incessant malicious
adj. agile; flexible; pliant sardonic limber affable sodden
n. audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to; impudence; insolence; audacity; nerve idiosyncrasy biennial disparity effrontery
adj. out of the way; remaining quietly in the background; inconspicuous unobtrusive doting eccentric sundry
n. banter; teasing disparity reverie chaffing qualm
n. nautical unit of depth; unit of length equal to six feet fathom tycoon mite implement
adj. friendly; good-natured; easy to talk to indigenous affable biennial coherent
n. very small sum of money; very small creature animosity mite antagonism laggard
adj. peevish; cranky; rude petulant innocuous inept sporadic