v. to lose self-confidence; to confuse; to put to shame; to disconcert; to embarrass allure abash delete ken
n. trust; belief; confidence; faith denunciation delinquent credence onus
n. amazement or terror that causes confusion; shock; dismay; alarm myriad larceny prelude consternation
adj. incapable of being defended or held; uninhabitable curt untenable convivial heedless
n. tenet seemingly contradictory or false, but actually true armistice deference paradox exposition
v. to talk or write excitedly; to scold; to lecture transgress paraphrase raze harangue
adj. winding; wandering aimlessly cantankerous fulsome meander feasible
v. to calm; to lessen in severity; to mollify; to relieve reiterate allay exploit condole
n. embankment used as a fortification; an idea; object serving as a protection chicanery spurn construe bulwark
v. to punish through public criticism; to scold; to reprimand promulgate incarcerate abdicate castigate