How much of your behavior depends on ......... that were passed down from your parents? generals genetics germs gems
Do you think ......... factors have a bigger effect than heredity does on human behavior? examined enticing entourage environmental
Do you think that people become violent adults because of the way they were raised or were they genetically ......... that way? worried wired wishful waved
Doctors and scientists have found that some diseases stem from genetic ......... that are altered in some way from their original states. mutations migrations mixers muggings
Some scientists say they will be able to determine whether or not human behavior is solely affected by genetics and/or how much is actually determined by environmental factors. They say they will be able to determine this via genetic ......... in the future. morphing merging mining mapping
Should criminals be held responsible for their actions or are they simply ruled by hereditary .........? tricks tips traits treats
......... contain all of the genetic material found on chromosomes. Genomes Germs Carbohydrates Plasma
Most humans are born with 46 .......... They receive 23 from their mothers and 23 from their fathers at conception. megaphones homophones rhisomes chromosomes
How much of what we do is determined by free ......... and how much is influenced by our genetic makeup? result will material verdict
Do you think that our experiences shape our personalities or are our characters formed solely from ......... traits that we acquired from our parents at conception? pretend predetermined paid presented