President Abraham Lincoln is well known in history books for freeing the slaves in America. He was often called the Great .......... Emaciated Emancipator Emperor Empennage
He was thought of as being patient, idealistic, thoughtful, and .......... compromise compassionate compassionless contraband
But there seemed to be two Lincolns. The other one was subject to mood swings, depression, fits of ......... rage, and bizarre behavior. miracle monogamy maniacal manacle
These bouts of mental despair may have been brought on by the very pills that were supposed to cure his ......... and paranoia. melancholia mystique myopia mortise
Lincoln took pills named Blue Mass as a medicinal remedy for his mood swings. They contained Mercury which is an extremely potent .......... nobelium nictitate neurotoxin nictitate
Research by professor Dr. Robert Feldman of ......... and neurology at Boston University tested the pills toxicity. pharmacology persnickety perversity pestilential
Dr. Feldman concluded that mercury poisoning could certainly been responsible for Lincoln's symptoms. When mercury was ground into small particles with a mortar and ........., it was easily absorbed into the body. partial pestle peso penchant
In his early presidency, Lincoln must have realized the blue pills were having an ......... affect on his moods. advertisement ataxia atrocious adverse
Once freed from the ......... grip of the blue pills, Lincoln proved to be a great president who will always be remembered in history books. insidious interesting impugn impute
In Washington, DC, the statue of Lincoln ......... him with a sense of calmness and dependability. Millions of visitors pay homage to the great man each year. indefinable inertias immortalizes indecorous