If you want to apply for a job, you can give your prospective employer a resume or a(n) ......... vitae. This is a summary list of your education, experience and other credentials. employment vital curriculum arbor
Some companies offer ......... benefits such as life insurance, retirement plans and company cell phones in addition to salaries. set marginal fringe desk
You may have to take an initial ......... course with certain companies: a period of instruction and guidance that pertains to the position you will fill. framing grading planning training
During an interview, the interviewer may ask candidates about their .........: their shortcomings in work behavioror character. weaknesses sins ethics morals
In some countries, you can receive ......... insurance, or monetary payments from the government, if you are laid off by a company. layaway unemployment welfare temporary
A staff member who instructs new employees in the skills they need is called a .......... leader senior rider trainer
If an employer decides to ......... you on as an employee, you should do your best to do your job well. have set take make
When you're hired by a company, there's often a three- to six-month ......... period in which you are monitored in order to see if you're able to do the job satisfactorily. potential probationary temporary tribulation
During an interview, you should tell the interviewer about your ........., the valuable characteristics or abilities that you possess and that relate to the position you want. expectations druthers purposes strengths
Some people are laid off because their positions become ........., i.e. unnecessary or superfluous. redundant overextended lame extinct