The ......... Corps is composed of amphibious units that are often first on the battlefield and are directed by the United States Navy. They are one of the specialized branches of military service in America. Navy Squadron Tank Marine
The military rank structure, that determines authority, is called the ......... of command. Each person in the order is subordinate to the one above him or her and orders come from the top down. ball chain spike arrow
A camp for prisoners, civilians, or enemy detainees that keeps its populace under harsh and extreme conditions is called a ......... camp. civil concentration category density
When the military of a country overthrows the governing body of its own country, this is called a military .......... corps cancer switch coup
Members of a group who oppose the controlling government by force are called .......... white rabbits rebels small armies bandoliers
The eradication of a specific racial or cultural group by another faction is called .......... irradiation irrigation patricide genocide
Mobile warfare used against a large group by a small group is called ......... warfare. sneaky runnning mobility guerrilla
A military armored vehicle that runs on tracks and possesses artillery capabilities is called a .......... fighter jet tanker pontoon tank
An exploding rocket used in war is called a .......... Gatling gun bomber front loader missile
A gun that fires very rapidly and continuously is called a ......... gun. machine arrow warhead bullet