You can take a cat nap beside the fire or doze off on a train ......... route travel voyage journey
which all describe the kind of sleep that can be ......... at a moment's notice. intervened interacted interrupted invaded
A more basic expression of this ......... is to have a little shuteye. trend sort tendency variety
Should you wish for a little peace and ......... at the office, quite still halt quiet
put a ......... outside your door stating: Do not disturb having 40 winks. notice board sign tablet
Forty apparently is the ......... allowed for this kind of sleep. major majority maximum macrocosm
The strange ......... is that few people announce boldly: matter thing point event
Well, I think I'll ......... to sleep now. go take make get
More ......... than not as a guest we'll say: possible likely probably possibly
Well, I think if you don't ........., I'll turn in now. care say mind look