I'm afraid I don't like this sherry because I find it too ......... and I prefer something nice and dry. soft sweet gentle tart
We're not quite sure how it will work so today we're having a dry ......... to find out if there are any problems. go try attempt run
She studies some very obscure things to do with ancient Greek documents to most people a really dry as ......... subject. powder earth dust soil
It was one of those scenes that made you want to cry your eyes out and I do believe there wasn't a dry ......... in the theatre. eye nose cheek face
There was a terrible storm on the night we first stayed at the campsite but we were all right with our tent and were as dry as a .......... cover bone coat sheet
We all set out together early in the morning in different cars but ours broke down and nobody bothered to look for us so we were left ......... and dry. up top on high
As a result of the very long heat wave last summer many of the rivers have now completely dried .......... off up over through
As it's still very warm outside I recommend you leave your swimming things in the garden to let them dry .......... in to out under
She's very subtle in the comments she makes and she has a wonderfully dry ......... of humour. feeling opinion meaning sense
If you want to keep your customers coming in on a regular basis you mustn't let your stocks ......... dry. go turn take run